We Are; The righteous children of GOD, The kingdom’s Approach, The Gobalin Perspectives, The Expression Of GOD’S Love, The Adopted children of God, The Chosen Generation, The royal Priests, The Holy Nation, The Peculiar People, Graced Beings, Supernatural Beings, Problem-Solution Carriers, Wonderfully Made, God on Earth, The Image Of GOD, The Problems Solvers, Born of Christ, Jehovah witnesses, we are in Christ Alone (En Jesu Seul) attributed in Holiness, Free from guilt and sin as it is written that is there is no Condemnation for those in Christ (Romans 8:1) but If we say we live in GOD and have all these attributes, we must live the way Jesus lived (1st John 2:6), that is, Obeying God’s Commandments (1st John 2:3-5). We are not Normal because we are above Normal things and doing the Ab-Normal things through Christ who strengthens us. We are the Sons of God who have gained the tittle of Sonship through our faith in Christ. We are led but the Spirit of GOD to fulfill all righteousness’

“We live in him therefore we are also the Light of the World


📖 To gain true Wisdom and Understanding; The foundation of wisdom and understanding is the FEAR OF GOD, The word of God says in Proverbs 9:10 That The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Anyone who have the knowledge of all the books in this world(Library) without the fear or knowledge of GOD(Bible Study) lacks Wisdom and Understanding.

📖 To be Nurtured and Grow in respect to Salvation; Salvation is the ultimate Fulfillment of the Truth. Therefore, we grow in Grace and Knowledge of GOD by studying his word daily as it is written in 1st Peter 2:2 that “Desire God’s pure word as newborn babies desire milk. Then you will find true salvation”. We can Gain only gain true salvation through Jesus who is the the Way, Truth and Life as it has s written in John 14:6.

📖 There is a natural Blessing for those who Study the Word of GOD. The Word of GOD says in Psalm 1:2-3 that He delights in the teachings of the Lord and reflects on his teachings day and night. He is like a tree planted beside streams, tree that produces fruit in season and whose leaves do not wither.

📖 To build up Body of Christ as it is written in Ephesians 4:11-13 that He also gave apostles, prophets, missionaries, as well as pastors and teachers as gifts to his church. Their purpose is to prepare God’s people to serve and to build up the body of Christ. And This is to continue until all of us are united in our faith and in our knowledge about God’s Son, until we become mature, until we measure up to Christ, who is the standard.

📖 The Foundation of the World is based on the Word of God as it is written in Genesis chapter 1 and to know more of this we need Knowledge and wisdom on the Word of God(Bible Study). The word of GOD says in John 1:1-3 that In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was already with God in the beginning. Everything came into existence through him. Not one thing that exists was made without him.


The Word of God says there is no Condemnation for those in Christ (Romans 8:1) but If we say we live in God, we must live the way Jesus lived (1st John 2:6), that is, Obeying God’s Commandments (1st John 2:3-5). We are not Normal because we are above Normal things and doing the Ab-Normal things through Christ who strengthens us. We are the Son of God because the Spirit of God leads us to become the son of GOD (Romans 8:14). We have the Responsibility of sharing GOD’S message to the ends of the Earth as it is written in Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!”.

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